Last weekend, the Belgian city of Machelen hosted the annual competition to choose the most beautiful cats in the world. The party was sponsored by the International Cat Federation.
The event, full of pomp and circumstance, gathered participants from all over the world. All competitors did their best to secure a good place in the tournament.
The judges have done a lot of work when it comes to determining the awards. The competition was fierce and whoever wins celebrates a lot. It had a winner from the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands and Norway, and the participation was total. The ceremony ended with the proud winners along with the prizes in each category.
Although some breeds are a bit exotic. They don’t look like the cats we’re used to seeing on a daily basis. Now, beauty is not discussed.
The next competition for the most beautiful cat in the world is scheduled to be held in October next year in France.
Abandoned cat house
The world of luxury and splendor is so wonderful but, as always, it affects only a small section of society. We are ordinary people living in another reality that is not always beautiful. If some cats grow up in a wonderful world, surrounded by first-class affection and food, others always need our help.
They are abandoned cats on the streets and without the help of some welcoming entity they will end up facing a tragic end.
Some people with huge hearts end up helping to improve the lives of these animals. This is the case of the Pulo do Gato Association. The initiative began in 2012, and was the starting point for Débora Carvalho’s work. She took care of cats in a colony near the house where she lived. Deborah captured the animals, neutered them, and returned them to the same place.
In 2015, he decided to go a step further and provide a more dignified life for these kittens, and so the first abandoned animal shelter was built. Over time, the space became small and many setbacks arose, so in 2020 the association, which had not yet had a name, acquired a new home.
Kittens were taken to this place, and even a very small opossum came to live there. Diana, as she was called, had difficulty walking, and was even able to get a wheelchair to get around.
In 2018, a new collaborator appeared, Priscila Galvão. She also began her fight for the kittens in the colony, in an empty yard next to her dwelling. Priscilla heard about a massacre by someone from the neighborhood earlier, because the cats were hungry and invaded homes in search of food, and that’s when she took the initiative and decided to take care of them, feed and neuter them. Many were born in this region and are very skittish cats, which made them difficult to catch. Four years later, the colony remained at the same site, but with better assistance.
With Deborah and Priscilla joining forces this year, the dream of turning this entire movement into an entity has been fulfilled. It was then that the Polo de Gato was born. Currently, the association cares for approximately 120 cats in the shelter, under Débora’s responsibility, and another 85 cats in the colony maintained by Priscila.
Their job is not easy at all, and APDG always needs some help. Expenses and costs are many. It is essential to get food, medicine, a vet, pay rent, water, electricity, and cleaning products. If you love their work and would like to help, just visit the association’s Facebook page. There you will find a way to contribute or even become godmother or godmother to one of the cats who live there.
The address of the Polo do Gato Association is
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hug of thunder