At the Esfera Forum, the head of BNDES says that part of the consortium’s active debt could be repaid by investment
president Bendis (National Bank for Economic and Social Development), Aloysio MercadanteHe suggested creating a program similar to Desenrola, which renegotiates debt from individuals to companies. Part of the Union’s active debt to these groups can be repaid through investments in the country.
“I want to propose another development of investment in Brazil. We will pay off the active debt – which is trillions of reais – that the state cannot collect. The company does not pay and this remains in the liabilities of the companies. They cannot get financing because they have huge tax liabilities. We will transfer part of this Debt into investment, into PAC, into industrial policy and we really benefit from the country’s developmenthe said during Second edition of Esfera Forum Group. Mercadante has detailed how this program works.
In addition to the BNDES Chair, the committee had the following:
- Bruno DantasPresident of the TCU (Tournament of Auditors of the Union);
- Andre EstevezBTG Pactual Partner;
- Darius Doriganthe interim Minister of Finance.
According to Dantas, the TCU is moving so that its activities do not further stop public works. According to him, the role should be “educational”not a hindrance.
“We will strengthen our educational role to accompany the projects [do novo PAC]. We are working to strengthen the inspection teams and the public works sector so that the technical coordination unit is not a hindrance, but has quick responses, and if there are any failures, they are rectified in a timely manner so that [as obras] Don’t get paralyzed“, He said.
The TCU president also advocated for new rules for investments in Brazil. “We need, in a way, to revise these dogmas. A rule that forbids revenue forecasting cannot prevent policy structuring like this.” [de investimentos]“He said.
Dantas stated that the economist Jose Roberto Afonso understood the need to give an explanation “It’s a little different from some of the rules.” Found in the LRF (Fiscal Responsibility Act).
“For example, the rule forbidding government — any government — from expecting revenue is an important civil rule, because you cannot allow the government of today to render the government of tomorrow useless. But when we talk, for example, of outstanding debts, we have to think of The following: Is our active debt collection model effective?question.
According to the head of the Court of Accounts, it is necessary “smart formulas” To solve the impasse between the state and the company and the issue of obligations in the country.
“We have more than R$ 2 trillion in outstanding debt credits and this does not go into the coffers of the federation. We have more than R$ 1 trillion of assets of the federation, and at the same time, the federal government spends R$ 1 billion annually leasing public rate. This is clearly not true Clearly, something must be done to make public spending more efficient.He said.
Fazenda says the budget will not suffer any deficit
The interim Finance Minister, Dario Durigan, stated that the budget drawn up by the economic team of the government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) of 2024 stipulates zero deficit, with a “The perfect balance between expenses and income”. He informed that next year’s budget bill will be sent to Congress next Thursday (August 31).
“The revenue estimates that have been made have been, in many cases, conservative, in the various projects, in the various tracks that we have been following. I have followed this very closely at the request of the Minister (Fernando Haddad) And I convey to you this safety and reassurance to move towards liquidating the budget deficit next year.He said.
Read below the other statements at the Sphere Forum 2023:
- Trader on Profits: “Public banks do not pay dividends in the world. You have about 500 public banks that represent 10% of the investment on the planet. Therefore, public banking is not a Brazilian innovation. This is present in all important countries in the global economy, and we need to reduce it. We have not paid Profits we then paid 25%, and last year, we paid 60% of the profits. So, we want to go back to 25%.”
- Trader for Treasury and BNDES: “It’s not the Treasury that is funding the National Economic Development Bank. I just want the Treasury to stop, and the Treasury to wean the KfW so that we can do our part and fund the PAC, Growth and New Industrialization.
- Andre Esteves on the financial framework: “I see the sign of common sense in many other situations. Minister Dario talked about approving the fiscal framework. We follow common sense. What is common sense? A country, like any person, does not spend more than it collects, and if not “It’s not going to go well, so our companies can’t spend more than they collect either. If that’s not the case, they’re not doing a good job. And neither can our country.”
- Andre Esteves on Carf PL and tax reform: “It was an exercise in common sense. We simply improved the Brazilian base. We understand the difficulties of the private sector, the revenues, we look at international practices and create one of the best bases in the world. We made it happen. So I’m satisfied, yes. And I think we’re going In tax reform in the same way […] I think common sense has prevailed for us to come to a common denominator that I think will be a lot.”
Forum domain
The digital newspaper Power360 Rebroadcast the event channel on YouTube. He watches:
This is the second edition of the forum domain group. The group was founded in 2021 by businessman Joao Camargo, the current president of the company CNN Brazil. The CEO is Camila Fonaro Camargo, his daughter. The first edition was organized in November 2022, and the second in August 2023.
“Promoting dialogue between the public and private sectors is our focus. This exchange of views and experiences is important for the search for solutions for the countryCamilla said Power360. Read the full interview.
Here are the event panels and participants:
“Brazilian Infrastructure Challenges: The New PAC 2023,” 3 p.m.:
- Aloisio Mercadante, President of BNDES;
- Dario Durigan, Acting Minister of Finance;
- Alexandre Silvera, Minister of Mines and Energy;
- Bruno Dantas, President of TCU;
- Andre Esteves, Partner at BTG Pactual
“Security and Legal Integrity”, 4:00 p.m.:
- Vinicius Marques de Carvalho, Minister of the CGU (Controller General of the Union);
- Jorge Mesias, Minister of the AGU (Attorney General of the Federation);
- Alexandre Pareto, Kidd’s supervisor;
- Gerbas Soares, Attorney General of Minas State;
- Marcos Vinicius Coelho, former President of the OAB.
“Brazilian GDP Composition,” 5 p.m.:
- Marguerite Coelho, Director of Administration and Finance, Sibrai Corporation;
- Igor Calvet, President of ABDI;
- Bruna Asambasão, President, Líder Aviação.
“Green Economy: Agriculture, Mining and Low Carbon”, 17:50:
- Rafael Fontelles, Governor of Piauí;
- Eduardo Bartolomeo, President of Vale;
- Ana Cabral Gardner, CEO, Sigma Lithium.
Cybersecurity and Social Media, 9:30 a.m.:
- Dias Tufoli, STF Minister;
- Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA), Senator;
- Escaldo Paulhos (MDB-BA), Federal Deputy and President of MDB Bank;
- Renata Miele, Coordinator of the Internet Governance Commission, Brazil;
- Ricardo Campos, data protection specialist.
Finding Balance: Fiscal Reforms on the Agenda, 10:20 a.m.
- Paolo Pimenta, Minister of Secom;
- Ephraim Filho (União Brasil-PB), Senator;
- Eduardo Bragg (MDB-AM), Senator;
- Bernard Abbey, Secretary Extraordinary for Tax Reform;
- Luiz Gustavo Bechara, attorney.
“Health in Brazil”, 11:30 am:
- Isabelle Galeotti, Minister of Syrians for Truth and Justice;
- Claudio Lautenberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Albert Einstein Hospital Israelita;
- Reginaldo Arcuri, President, Grupo FarmaBrasil;
- Carlos Sanchez, President of EMS.
Technology and Innovation, 12:20 p.m.
- Hugo Mota (Republicanos-PB), federal deputy and leader of the Republicans;
- Gabriel Chaleta, lawyer and former Minister of Education in São Paulo;
- Louise Tounsi, CEO, Quallcom Latin America;
- Rachel Maya, CEO, RM Consulting;
- Riccardo Cavallini, Professor at Singularity University.
Brazil Chances 13:05:
- Roberto Campos Neto, President of the Central Bank;
- Luis Felipe Salomao, Minister of STJ;
- Abilio Diniz, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Península Participações;
- Paolo Gala, Chief Economist, Banco Master.
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