When you think you’ve seen it all… According to the Associated Press, last Saturday (12), Mexican police found about 3,787 pieces of human bones in the home of a man accused of… serial killer. Investigations are working with the idea that the criminal practiced Cannibalism The fragments may have belonged to at least 17 victims.
Since May 17, experts have been excavating the dwelling, and in addition to the bones, they found women’s shoes, makeup, eight mobile phones, a list of names and audio and video recordings. Everything suggests that the audiovisual material contains images of its victims. There is still no information on the men who were killed by the serial killer, but among the documents found are identities of women who have been reported missing for years.
Experts are still investigating the man’s entire house and seriously believe that further discoveries will emerge. The authorities even stated that everything indicated that the victims were killed during a ritual that the man would eat later. There is no total estimate of the number of people who died, but the man was nicknamed the “Atizaban monster,” referring to the municipality in which he lived.
The serial killer is 72 years old, worked as a butcher and was convicted of killing the wife of a police officer while on duty. In fact, the assailant did not deny any of the new accusations, and in court, he had the courage to say that he tore the skin of a woman’s face because he thought it was her. “so beautiful”. Home fossil records have been posted on social networks, check out:
#at the moment And so the search for clues continues #LomasDeSanMiguel in home #MonsterOfAtizapan He also practiced cannibalism pic.twitter.com/K39r9ht6Bm
– poloespejel (poloespejel) May 21, 2021