Millions of venomous flying spiders invade the United States

Millions of venomous flying spiders invade the United States

that Asian species of giant spider Toxic has become invasive to the ecosystems of the United States. The Trichonephila clavata, better known as the jet spider, still Able to use wind currents And slide up to 160 km with the help of a kind of balloon made of nets.

In Asia, sorghum is found throughout Japan, China, Taiwan and both Koreas. Its paws are about 7 cm long and has a bright colors, which makes it attractive and loved among the inhabitants of East Asia.

But since 2014 they began to appear in Georgia, in the United States, where He may have arrived secretly In containers from Asia.

Since they are experts at spreading even far from their lands, they have been quickly seen in various parts of the region and their population in the United States today is estimated to be in the “millions,” according to a University of Georgia study.

Currently they are easily recognized in the country, Thanks to the big networks With chaotic patterns, they’re done in as many places as possible—some appearing in mailboxes, balconies, and even power lines.

With all of these clues, scientists claim they are “here to stay” in the United States. The possibility of it already spreading to other countries is very high.

Despite its terrifying size and colour, experts are optimistic about the puff invasion.

University of Georgia entomologist Nancy Henkel told USA Today that the mutants can help contain pests such as flies, mosquitoes and bed bugs.

Also, its poison is not dangerous to humans or pets such as dogs and cats. In fact, Nancy claims they don’t seem “interested in biting humans,” and sometimes their stings don’t break the skin completely.

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To help locals spread a welcome mat for such terrifying animals, scientists said they have not yet identified any negative effects from their presence in the country.

And most of them should die in November, but they will leave behind millions of eggs, which will increase the number of specimens of the species found in the country.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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