Mission in the United Kingdom Unimed introduces English

Mission in the United Kingdom Unimed introduces English

The President of Unimed Sul Paulista, Dr. Marcos Cunha, who is also Director of the Health Department of Unimed do Brasil, accompanied by other directors, is at the Unimed mission in the United Kingdom with the aim of exchanging information regarding the health models in both countries.

in the morning February 19Brazil time, Dr. Marcos opened the work at the Royal College of General Practitioners, in London, where he introduced the Unimed system to English in an exchange meeting also to understand the primary health care model developed by the National Health Service – in Portuguese, the National Health Service, globally recognized for quality in terms of primary care – responsible for providing care to 99% of the population of the United Kingdom.

The Unimed UK mission has an intensive programme of interactive lectures, group discussions and observation visits, covering understanding the structure, finance and management and clarifying the role of general practice and family medicine with that of the health system.

The UK has become a strategic destination for promoting the improvement of primary health care practices in Brazilian cooperatives, helping to develop and spread this effective health care model in our country.

Dr. Marcos is traveling as part of a delegation from Unimed do Brasil, in partnership with Sistema OCB and Faculdade Unimed, with a return date scheduled for the following day. February 25.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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