A large warehouse belonging to the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST), in downtown São Paulo, hosted the carnival rehearsal. Lower Augusta Academicson Sunday 21st.
Pictures circulating on social media show the place filled with revelers from the building, already preparing to celebrate.
In comments on several posts, Internet users wondered about the existence of a warehouse for the movement, and not the homes of its militants.
MST forays after the carnival
In an interview, MST Coordinator, João Pedro Stedelithe “difficulties” faced by the landless would lead to an increase in invasions into the country even further.
Although a historic ally of the Labor Party, Stedel has said in previous interviews that 2023 was the worst year for the number of settler families in 40 years.
“If the government does not take the initiative, the capitalist crisis will continue to worsen,” he said. “A person is not like a frog who is trampled by a bull and dies without saying anything. There will be more social struggle.”
Last year – the first of Lula's 3 government – the number of invasions (71) had already surpassed all four invasions before Jair Bolsonaro's term (62).
Read also: “It's a tragedy – we have too much food”, article by JR Gozzo published in Issue 200 of Revista Oeste