Ned Petty, star of “Superman” and “Entrepreneur Network”, dies at 83 | pop art

Ned Petty, star of “Superman” and “Entrepreneur Network”, dies at 83 |  pop art

Ned Petty, the well-established actor whose first film role as a genius vacationer who was raped by a retarded in 1972’s “Amargo Nightmare,” set him off on a long and successful career, died Sunday (13) at the age of 83.

Deborah Miller, director of the Betty Corporation, said Betty died on Sunday of natural causes in Los Angeles (USA), surrounded by friends and loved ones.

After years in regional theater, Betty was cast in “Bitter Nightmare” as Bobby Trippe, the carefree member of a group of men who have sailed down a river terrorized by outback thugs.

The scene where Trippe is brutalized became the most memorable scene in the movie and Established Betty as an actor moviegoers may not have known his name, but they have always known his face.

For people like me, there are a lot of words ‘I know you! I know you! In what did I see you? Betty hung out without a grudge in 1992.

Petty received only one Academy Award nomination as a Supporting Actor for his role as company CEO Arthur Jensen in 1976’s “Network Intrigue,” but he has contributed to some of the most iconic films of his time and has worked steadily, including his credits including more than 150 films and shows. TV show.

“I interfered with the forces of primordial nature, Master Bell, and I will not allow it!” Petty shouted from across the boardroom before explaining that there is no America, no democracy. “There is just IBM, ITT, AT&T, DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, Exxon. These are the countries of the world today.”

He has been equally memorable as Otis, the goofy henchman of villain Lex Luthor in Christopher Reeve’s first two films “Superman” and as the racist sheriff in Under the Sign of Vengeance. In a 1977 interview, he explained why he preferred to be a supporting actor.

“The stars never want to throw a curveball to the crowd,” he said, “but my great pleasure is throwing a curveball.” “Being a star reduces your effectiveness as an actor because you become a very specific and predictable part of the product. You have to take care of your P and Q things and nurture your fans. But I like to surprise the audience, to do the unexpected.”

He landed a rare starring role in the Irish film “Listen to My Song” in 1991. The true story of Irish legend tenor Joseph Locke, who disappeared at the height of a brilliant career, is well spoken but rarely seen in the United States states. Between films, Beatty has often worked on television and theatre.

Among his most recent films are “Toy Story 3” in 2010 and two releases in 2013: “The Big Ask” (without a Portuguese version) and “Voando Para o Amor”. Soon after, he retired.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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