Netizens believe that a leader’s final test will be resistance

Netizens believe that a leader’s final test will be resistance

In the “condominium meeting” of “BBB 21 “(TV Globo) Tonight, there was no contention match. Thiago Leverett sparked the two brothers’ excitement When counting some version numbers, such as the scale of the keratin scale, quantities of characters, cups, number of sounds, and duration of resistance tests.

At a certain point, the presenter revealed that Gilberto is the brother who survived the most resistance test. According to him, a generation has accumulated more than 44 hours. In this, the endurance test called the BBB 18, which lasted nearly 43 hours and is the record for all releases of Big Brother Brazil.

When compared to other versions, the time of Anna Clara and Caesar [na prova] It’s generation time for all races [do BBB 21]. If you have another one, I don’t know if there is time to get it, but if you have another one … let’s do it, let’s break a record. You don’t even have to, do you? Few people. “

This phrase from the broadcaster was enough for netizens to speculate that the copy leader’s latest event, which will take place next Thursday, is a resistance event.:

Speculation increased with the release of the week’s schedule. The announcer revealed, on Thursday, that he will get a disqualification and that the leader’s last race, he has not cited a hot seat.

Tuesday 27/04

  • Removing the wall that Arthur, Camilla, and Boca built;
  • Proof of the leader.
  • Wall formation.

Wednesday 28/04

Thursday 29/4

  • Removing the 16th Surah – It was formed on Tuesday 27/4
  • The New Leader’s Test – The final test of the season.

Remember all the brothers who wore the leader’s crown in ‘BBB 21’

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Who should be excluded from “BBB 21”?


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta

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BBB: Police Cases

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