Noel Gallagher He became embroiled in yet another controversy on the Internet. In an interview with the podcastMatt MorganI made the former oasis able commentsAbout people with disabilities, and the designated areas for them at the festival Glastonburyin the United Kingdom, and was criticized on social media.

In the interview, the British musician said he was unable to follow performances in VIP areas. He revealed that he attended performances with his friends in a PWD area and admitted that he had a “wallet” using his credentials.
I said, ‘See that badge, dude?’ It takes me anywhere.” Santa said. And he continued laughing: “Those ‘disabled people’ have a wonderful view of everything.” The comment soon had negative repercussions on social media.
Scope, a non-governmental organization that campaigns for the rights of people with disabilities in the UK, criticized Noel Gallagher’s comments.
“Hearing the boasts about his actions and the mockery of people with disabilities is beyond swearing. Noel can belittle the experience for music fans with disabilities. But for many, watching live music and festivals can be stressful and unsettling. PCDs are not a place for super rock stars and their friends. It exists so that people with disabilities can enjoy live music with fewer barriers.”The NGO announced.
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Journalimo from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). He has worked as a communications consultant and has produced music reviews on social media since 2020. Passionate about the universe and pop culture, he has been researching and producing niche content since 2019.
“Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist.”