Northern Tribune – Super Moon Eclipse: The shell will be visible between today and tomorrow

Tonight (25) it will again have a so-called Super Moon, which is the name given to a natural satellite when it reaches its point of proximity to Earth. The astronomical event will be more interesting in some locations, as it will be accompanied by a lunar eclipse that will occur from 5:47 AM on Wednesday (26), Brasilia time.

According to NASA, the eclipse will be total in the western United States and Canada, throughout Mexico, most of Central America and Ecuador, as well as in western Peru, southern Chile and Argentina.

Credits: Alex Régis / TN ArchiveThe best view of the phenomenon in Brazil will be in the western partThe best view of the phenomenon in Brazil will be in the western part

They can also be seen completely in eastern Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands, including Hawaii. In Brazil, the eclipse will be semi or partial, and it is very difficult to observe it because it will begin at the time when the giant moon will set in on the horizon.

“The good news is that Super Moon tonight, with its peak at 10:50 pm, may inspire people to wake up early to watch the total eclipse, even online, through the National Observatory’s YouTube page,” he told an astronomer Agência Brasil. Josina Nascimento, a researcher at the National Observatory.

“When the moon enters a semi-shadow, we have a semi-hidden eclipse, and when it enters a part of the shadow, we have a partial eclipse, and when it enters completely into the shadow, we have a total eclipse, when the moon becomes more beautiful. And reddish,” the astronomer explained.

According to Josena, the best view of the eclipse in Brazil will be in the western part of the country, where it will be partial for some time. “The further west, the better.” In the near-light eclipse, we could not see the moon’s diminishing brightness with the naked eye.

According to Josina, an eclipse is not a rare astronomical event. “We had one, including the last one, in 2019. A lunar eclipse occurs one to three times a year, every lunar eclipse occurs at a full moon, and a perigee moon occurs 1 to 4 times a year.” According to NASA, the last lunar eclipse that occurred during the giant moon occurred six years ago.

Brazil Agency

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