Omicron is already making governments delay returning to face-to-face lessons

Omicron is already making governments delay returning to face-to-face lessons

Most public schools have already started or expect to resume face-to-face classes in the coming weeks, but the Micron variant will delay returns to schools in at least one state network (Tocantins) and all or part of students in four capitals (Belo Horizonte, Manaus, Belém, São Luis) ), plus Teresina, which will spin. Inland and in urban areas, there are deferrals for face-to-face teaching until April.

Despite the coronavirus surge in the country, experts suggest education must be prioritized — most governments have not adopted stricter restrictions on concerts, parties and football games, for example. Research shows that it is possible to reduce transmission risks with health protocols, such as testing and booster masks. Brazil has been one of the countries that has closed schools for the longest, with significant learning losses.

Students at a municipal school in São Caetano do Sul (SP)

Students at a municipal school in São Caetano do Sul (SP)

Photo: Danilo M Yoshioka / Futura Press

In São Paulo and Rio, for example, classes return face to face in February – and this applies to municipal and state schools. The Mayor of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Aleksandar Xelil (PSD), has postponed the return face-to-face of public and private networks 3 to 14 for classes between 5 and 11 years old, on the grounds that it is necessary to advance in vaccination and “protect the health of students, family members, teachers and personnel of institutions.” educational”.

The Municipal Network Workers’ Union had requested the postponement. Already criticized the local entity of private schools. The city council also highlighted that it will pay R$100 to children in the public network, who will be left without lunch.

Tocantins has been postponed from 1 to 14. In addition to the Covid rise, flooding has been cited as a cause. According to Education Minister Fabio Vaz, education will be a priority, but more time is needed to prepare the school structure, especially in small towns. “Diagnostics will be carried out in each educational session to determine what level the student has reached and content will be provided for reconfiguration,” he says, ruling out further postponement.

Day worker Vania Lopez, 50, has a divided feeling about the departure of her son, Giovan, 16. “We are afraid, because every day is some kind of variable coming,” she says, from Tocantins. “But back to school is better, because face-to-face classes are more efficient. At home, he was looking on the internet, asking questions and everything, but it’s hard to learn,” he concludes.

The students returned from Belem on the 24th, remotely, and a surprise return is expected in the coming weeks. Mayor Edmilson Rodrigues (PSOL) wrote on social media: “Adopting a gradual return to classes is essential while covid-19 immunization for children aged 5 to 11 is not complete.”

In Manaus, the municipal network begins on the seventh, in the online form. In announcing the decision, the county said it is following the health authorities’ guidelines and cares about everyone’s safety.

São Luis pushed back from the first to the 22nd, under the justification of the coronavirus and other influenza diseases. According to a report from the capital of Maranhão, the decision was made with representatives of the health field and the Public Prosecution Office and the school year will be completed.

In Teresina, the form will be a hybrid from day 7. According to the local secretary, it is too early to go back in person at 100%, since children from 5 to 11 years old have not yet been vaccinated.

In some cities, the postponement was longer. Jaboatão dos Guararapes – the second most populous municipality in Pernambuco – is back in April.

The immunization of the 5- to 11-year-old group began approximately a month after Anvisa’s approval, due to resistance from Jair Bolsonaro’s management in starting the campaign in the age group. Julia Ribeiro, education spokeswoman for UNICEF Brazil, an arm of the United Nations, says vaccination cannot be required to return to school. “Schools must be prepared to go after children who were unable to attend school or who left school in the shadow of the pandemic; who have stopped learning,” he says.

Epidemiologist Ethel Maciel says it’s possible to consider a sudden return, starting with teens to wait for a children’s vaccine to advance, but she criticizes the lack of planning. “We did not have an investment, like the US and Europe. Here the protocol is to check the temperature – and on the wrist. The value is close to zero, because many children are asymptomatic. In addition to being with teachers who wear cloth masks. Of the masks And the better tests, the better.”

As Ômicron continues to rise, it will be canceling classes in classrooms with infected students and turning away sick teachers, which has already made it difficult to keep schools open in the UK and US.

In the countryside of SP, São Roque postponements begin for a week

In the interior of São Paulo, São Roque has postponed the start of classes for a week until February 7. “The date has been postponed at the request of the company responsible for maintaining schools,” the city council said in a post on official channels on the twenty-fifth of this month, attributing the delay to improvements and repairs. As Estadão showed, São Roque was one of 23 cities in the state that had not yet resumed face-to-face classes in October.

In Brodowski, 28 km from Ribeirão Preto, the Minister of Education, Clea Posses, has predicted an April holiday, postponing the start of classes from February 1-7. “In our city, there has been a very significant advance of the virus,” he says. “These days, we will try to convince parents of the importance of vaccination.” / Alain Riscala, Everton Sylvester and Elleton Costa teamed up for Stadua

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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