Oxillo Brazil: Caixa is paying new installments this week; See who receives | Economie

Oxillo Brazil: Caixa is paying new installments this week;  See who receives |  Economie

Beneficiaries b Final Social Registration Number (NIS) 7, 8, 9 and 0 Payment received for the month of March from Brazil Aid Between Monday (28) and Thursday (31). Check out the calendar below.

Minimum eligibility amount is 400 BRL. a Brazil Aid Keep filing dates family scholarshipWhich works according to the end of the social registration number (NIS).

Oxelio Brasil’s 2022 repayment schedule – Photo: Economy/G1

Payments Brazil Aid It began on November 17, the same day the government released the last batch of emergency aid, created due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Currently, The program serves 17.5 million families. At the beginning of the year, 3 million were included.

Benefits are paid through a Social Savings Account or regular checking accounts. Anyone registered with the Federal Government’s Single Registry of Social Programs (CadÚnico) can automatically open a digital social savings account to receive payment.

The assistance is paid to families living in extreme poverty. Poor families may also receive, as long as they have among their members pregnant women or persons under 21 years of age.

Families living in extreme poverty are those whose monthly income per capita is R$105; And those who live in poverty have a monthly household income per capita between R$105.01 and R$210.

There are three possibilities:

In the caixa team app And the In the Auxílio Brasil . app Information about the benefit, such as the balance and payment of premiums, can be consulted. The beneficiary can also call the Ministry of Nationality’s phone number 121 to find out if he is entitled to receive Brazil Aid and the amount to be paid.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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