Pro-independence parties secure majority in Scottish parliament |  UK

Pro-independence parties secure majority in Scottish parliament | UK

As expected, the Scottish National Party (SNP) won Wednesday’s parliamentary election in Scotland. Nicola Sturgeon said shortly before the results came out that the party of the Prime Minister of…

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Independents in Scotland win elections and demand a referendum on independence – international

Independents in Scotland win elections and demand a referendum on independence – international

Nicola Sturgeon, Prime Minister of Scotland before independence, who was reinforced by the victory of her party in the local elections, asked Boris Johnson on Saturday (8) not to oppose…

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BBB Day 101 cries and is afraid of Alfie and apologizes

BBB Day 101 cries and is afraid of Alfie and apologizes

End point “BBB 21 “event with the special edition of” BBB Dia 101 “, last night, with a meeting of 20 participants to talk about the impact Reality show in…

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Greater Curitiba has four SUS hospitals equipped with Covid’s full ICUs

Greater Curitiba has four SUS hospitals equipped with Covid’s full ICUs

A survey conducted by the State Department of Health (Sesa) last Friday (7) revealed that intensive care units (ICUs) of four hospitals in Greater Curitiba with SUS exclusive beds for…

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Outdoor sports and reunions with friends: England loosens lockdown |  Scientist

Outdoor sports and reunions with friends: England loosens lockdown | Scientist

a England Monday entered a new phase of plan to make A complete lockout Against A. Covid-19 It was released earlier this year. With relaxation, groups of up to six…

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The Chinese missile that will fall to the ground is seen in the sky of SC;  Watch the video

The Chinese missile that will fall to the ground is seen in the sky of SC; Watch the video

The Chinese missile is expected to fall to the ground at the end of this week Seen in the sky of Santa Catarina. The moment was recorded by the surveillance…

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There are 2,047 cases and five deaths in the UK.  Already 17.2 million have been vaccinated

There are 2,047 cases and five deaths in the UK. Already 17.2 million have been vaccinated

The UK recorded, this Saturday, Five deaths and 2,047 new diseases from Govt-19, Announced the British Ministry of Health. The number of victims is slightly higher than what was recorded…

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The European Union is skeptical about the patent infringement of the vaccine, but is ready to discuss the proposal 08/05/2021

The European Union is skeptical about the patent infringement of the vaccine, but is ready to discuss the proposal 08/05/2021

European Council President Charles Michel said on Saturday that the European Union is skeptical about the utility of breaking patents for a vaccine against COVID-19 to tackle the pandemic, but…

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Juliet publishes her first selfie after winning the reality show

Juliet publishes her first selfie after winning the reality show

Juliet Freire Reaped the fruits of his overwhelming victory inBBB 21“ (Globo): The lawyer from Paraíba has 27.8 million followers on Instagram (at the time of closing this article), for…

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Acre receives a new batch of 3,200 doses of CoronaVac for the second application  acre

Acre receives a new batch of 3,200 doses of CoronaVac for the second application acre

Acre received a new batch of vaccine to immunize the population against Covid-19 on Saturday (8). The nineteenth batch brought in 3,200 doses of CoronaVac, developed by the Chinese Sinovac…

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