NASA helicopter makes its first flight on the surface of Mars |  Science and health

NASA helicopter makes its first flight on the surface of Mars | Science and health

Ingenious little helicopter, from NASAOn Monday (19), it carried out its first flight in Mars. This was the first controlled and motorized flight to another planet, which will help the…

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Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin’s main opponent in Russia, was transferred from prison to hospital |  Scientist

Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin’s main opponent in Russia, was transferred from prison to hospital | Scientist

Prison service in Russia Decided on Monday (19) to move Alexei Navanli To a hospital for prisoners. Navalny is Russia’s main opposition politician. He’s been in prison since January, and…

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The Indian variant is expected to “become a variant of anxiety” in the UK

The Indian variant is expected to “become a variant of anxiety” in the UK

H.A variant that creates growing anxiety in the UK. This is the Indian variant, which is expected to become “a worrying variant” in the UK, according to Danny Altman, a…

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Emergency Aid 2021: Bolsa Família beneficiaries have a new round of payments;  See calendars  first aid

Emergency Aid 2021: Bolsa Família beneficiaries have a new round of payments; See calendars first aid

A new round of payment from Emergency aid 2021 For workers who are part of Family allowance It will take place on Monday (19). Will be credited The first installment…

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Joao embraces Caio and says he didn’t vote for him

Joao embraces Caio and says he didn’t vote for him

Collaboration with UOL, in Sao Paulo 04/19/2021 00h34Update in 04/19/2021 00h35 After the formation of the twelfth wall of “BBB 21” (TV Globo), which put Caillou, Gilberto and Fouquet in…

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Unimed Fortaleza Close To 6,000 Patients Discharged From Covid-19 |  Corona virus in Fortaleza, Ciara and the world

Unimed Fortaleza Close To 6,000 Patients Discharged From Covid-19 | Corona virus in Fortaleza, Ciara and the world

Unimed Hospital in Fortaleza says it promotes the team’s responsible use of drugs to ensure care (Photo: Aurelio Alves) The Unimed Fortaleza System is approaching a Covid-19-related 6,000 high in…

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Ex-criminal uses sports to build a new life after ten years in prison |  Nice

Ex-criminal uses sports to build a new life after ten years in prison | Nice

John McAvoy is a former criminal who used sports to start over from scratch after ten years in prison. At the age of 18, he was first arrested for armed…

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Exclusive: Fugitives from justice continue to receive unnecessarily urgent aid |  Nice

Exclusive: Fugitives from justice continue to receive unnecessarily urgent aid | Nice

Emergency aid fraud never stops. a Nice It takes a new survey and shows that the bandits that justice sought – and whom the program had already shown illegally receiving…

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Why does Putin intend to frighten the West with his troops more than invade Ukraine?

Why does Putin intend to frighten the West with his troops more than invade Ukraine?

Sarah Rainford BBC News in Moscow 5 hours ago Attributed to him, Getty Images Illustrative image, Russian troop movements have been significant, but many in Moscow doubt that President Putin…

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The UK is conducting tests to assess the resumption of major events

The UK is conducting tests to assess the resumption of major events

The UK has begun to test the attendance of major public events. A test event will take place this Sunday (18th) at Wembley Stadium in London, where one of the…

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