Paloma Duarte appeared as the suffering Heloisa in Além da Ilusão (2022), and will repeat her partnership with author Alessandra Poggi in Garota do Momento. The actress will be the mother of the protagonist played by Pedro Novaes in the upcoming Globo series at six o'clock. The plot should replace No Rancho Fundo on November 4th.
Last week, Paloma posted a photo on social media alongside writer and director Natalia Grimberg. “Another day like this, at a good lunchtime! These amazing women,” he wrote in the caption.
Fans quickly speculated that the record could point to the actress's next work, which will also appear on Netflix on the 5th with the premiere of the miniseries Pedaço de Mim.
After more than two months of testing, Pedro Novas was identified as Duda Santos' partner in the soap opera period. Information taken from the Play column of the O Globo newspaper.
Set in the 1950s, Girl of the Moment revolves around a struggling young woman's search for her mother (Deborah Nascimento) and her struggle to fulfill her dreams and achieve a better life.
The heroine of Duda Santos' novel will still shock society when she becomes the poster girl for a brand. Over time, she would end up building a reputation as a “girl of the moment” – a term used for what we today describe as a “girl of the moment.”
Known for her work on SBT and Netflix, Maissa Silva will make her debut on Globo as the story's antagonist. She will play the role of Fabio Assuncao's daughter and Lilia Cabral's granddaughter.
The cast also includes Eduardo Sterblich, who will play a TV presenter, and Leticia Collin, who plays the protagonist's aunt. Away from TV series since A Lei do Amor (2016), María Flor has been chosen to play the role of Anita. She will be married to a domineering, sexist man, but she will fall in love with Alfredo (Sterblich).
Danton Melo, Caio Manhinti and Deborah Osorio are also in the cast. The story will be set in Copacabana, south of Rio de Janeiro. Part of the scenes were also recorded in Petropolis, in the mountainous region of the state.
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