On the eighth wall of BBB 22, Vinicius Fernandez must follow the fourth pattern to eliminate the lollipop, but there is no record of rejection. The degree to which they are voted on Gustavo Marcingo And the Pedro Scoobyappears in the first place in the dispute for whom to leave partial survey.
consequences the news It indicates that 73.61% of over 186,000 voters want to see Ciara out of the game on their first wall. The surfer, who is also a novice, has just 7.14%, while the former glass house comes in at 19.25% in his second hot seat.
The UOL poll came with a similar result, with 72.40% disapproving for Vyni, versus 6.96% for Scooby and 20.64% for Gustavo. More than 134 thousand posts have been registered until the publication of this text.
The surveys have no scientific character, they only depict a trend on the part of Big Brother Brasil viewers. The official wall score for the season eight is the one voted on at Gshow and will be known during the show hosted by Tadeu Schmidt in the Tuesday (15) edition.
BBB 22: Who Comes Out On The Eighth Wall?
lollipop rejected
According to polls, Vyni will not exceed the percentages of Barbara Heck, Larissa Tomasia and Jade Bacon. However, like most members of the Fourth Lollipop, Ceará tends to leave with an index greater than 70%.
See the percentages of the first seven that were excluded from the BBB 22:
Learn all about BBB 22 with the podcast O Brasil Tá Vendo
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