Actor Pedro Cardoso used his social networks on Sunday the 18th to express his indignation at the praise of Silvio Santos and economist Delfim Neto.
The former minister died on the 12th at the age of 96 in Sao Paulo. The broadcaster died on Saturday the 17th at the age of 93, also in the capital Sao Paulo.
“Silvio Santos and Delfim Neto. I will have nothing to say about them. Their public performances are rather humiliating. They both served the torturing military dictatorship of 61, 64, 68. A dictatorship that killed people who opposed it, as all dictatorships do. For me, their deaths will be left in the privacy of their families.
SBT's press office told Estadão that it would not comment on the matter.
The actor described the two as “offenders of Brazil,” claiming that they were not defending the country's interests, but their own. He also said that he was offended when he saw celebrities praising their personalities.
“More seriously, I feel the weight of the enormous hypocrisy of those who want to become rich by pleasing those who are already rich. The truth must be told. Silvio and Delfim were employees of the military dictatorship. They became rich because they served it; never because they had exceptional intellectual talents. They may have had them, but what made them rich and powerful were not their qualities, but their faults, their moral weaknesses.
Cardoso ended his text by saying that other people died on the same days as Silvio Santos and Delfim Neto, and that they are the ones who deserve the praise distributed.
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