while performing The Seventh Farmer’s Test in “farm 2022″ (RecordTV), Pele ended up hurting his hand. Complete the dynamic even with his finger bleeding – And he became the owner of the hat of the week.
“Did you cut your finger?” Papy asked the rapper at the time. The pawn replied, “Ahem, you’ve been hurt.”
In the first stage of the competition, the Rocheros worked as human claws on a machine, collecting balls from different sports (such as Basketball footballTennis, rugby and volleyball). Things were in a ball pit.
But there was a difference: each ball had a different number of points. Pawns must catch and hold as many balls as possible along the machine’s path.
In the last stage, farmers throw the collected balls into a basket to earn points.
The Farm 2022: Who do you want to be on the ground? Vote in the poll
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The Farm 2022: Who is the Farmer of the Week? Look who wore the hat
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