The “Bitcoins pharaoh,” Gladson Acacio dos Santos, who was caught in the crypto process due to a pyramid scheme, is unhappy with the nickname that has gained the press. The second attorney to represent him, Gladson do you want called called “Moisés dos bitcoins”.
“If the press wants to put a biblical address, let it be Moses Bitcoin, because he is the one who freed the people with a project from the shackles of the national financial system,” The lawyer said in a video.
The lawyer stated that he received a “lesson” from the Bitcoin pharaoh and that he was given the task to be his spokesperson. “He does a very good job and is very confident. He has a good spirit and asked me to be his spokesman until they stop, so stop calling him the pharaoh.”
Bitcoin Pharaoh Wants a New Nickname
It is already possible on social networks to see the most ardent fans of the pharaoh asking the press to start calling him Moses.
Many comments from Pharaoh’s clients contain the hashtag #moisésdobitcoin and some ask for more respect, “Not Pharaoh, Moses,” they say.
Glidson was arrested on August 25 of this year by the Federal Police in Operation Kryptos. His company promised 10% income per month, with the supposed income from Bitcoin trading.
The pharaoh rose to prominence in the Fantástico, after having doubts about his management of a fictional financial pyramid scheme. With all the signs of a business pointing to financial fraud, some clients are still defending the company.
Bitcoin Pharaoh continue taken
Gladson remains in prison and his habeas corpus will not be considered until next week. The firm’s most supportive clients from Cabo Frio, a city in Heliopolis, still hoped to embrace the pharaoh last Tuesday (19), when a Rio de Janeiro judge considers their application and allegedly releases the investigator. By Operation Kryptos.
To give the judiciary the strength in the decision they hoped for, some with posters went to the court door, and staged a demonstration for Gladson’s release.
Pharaoh is accused of several crimes and his freedom is already Rejected on September 14, 2021 by the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ), decision made by summoned judge Jisueno Risato.
Bitcoin Pharaoh Stops Paying Customers
The latest news about Gas Consultoria Bitcoin surprised customers on Tuesday (5), who received a statement that the company suspended its activities, without reporting the duration.
The reason, according to the document, is that the judge approved the decision of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office.
In the memo, the firm’s defense also said that the MPF had finally filed a complaint against the investigated investigation, which will now allow attorneys to express themselves before “To resist the erroneous opinion that has permeated the investigation until the present moment.”
It is worth noting that 22 people have been charged with various crimes of money laundering, criminal organization and others. Headquartered in Cabo Frio, Gas Consultoria promised a fixed income of 10% per month, with the image of Bitcoin, a typical activity for financial pyramids.
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