'Piece of Me' Engages in Controversy, Netflix Receives Complaint from Union

'Piece of Me' Engages in Controversy, Netflix Receives Complaint from Union

The Rio de Janeiro State Entertainment Artists and Technicians Union (Sated-RJ) has condemned Netflix and production company A Fábrica for alleged irregularities in the production of “Pedaço de Mim”. According to the association, the plot involves actors without professional registration and unapproved contracts.

According to Sated-RJ, both Netflix and the producer violated Law No. 78/6533, which regulates the profession of artists and technicians in entertainment shows. The legislation requires that the employment contracts of professionals be certified by the representative union, which the entity claims has not been done.

“Non-targeted contracts are illegal and only get attention when dramatic work situations occur. What is the point of producing a series and premiering it on streaming, if A Fábrica and Netflix do not respect the laws?” the association wrote in a post on Instagram.

Although it did not name specific names, the union also pointed out that there are actors in the production without professional registration. The entity concluded that “Sated-RJ disowns the production companies A Fábrica and Netflix, which prioritize profit at any cost over respect for the artistic workers, and reaffirms its commitment to defending the rights of artists.”

So far, Netflix has not yet commented on the complaint. Itataya Called and got no response.

World Ranking

The soap opera-like series “Piece of Me” has reached the number one spot in the global ranking of non-English series on Netflix.

Production reached first place in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay, second place. in Portugal, Italy and top 3 in France.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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