PIS/Pasep Salary Bonus of up to 1,212 BRL will return with payments in March

PIS/Pasep Salary Bonus of up to 1,212 BRL will return with payments in March

Due to the carnival holiday, the salary bonus payment schedule PIS / Pasep will have a rest period. In this sense, the next payment will be on March 15 for those born in July and for those who have reached the end of the 6 shekels.

Due to the carnival holiday, salary bonus payment schedule PIS / Pasep You will take a break. In this sense, the next payment will be on March 15 for those born in July and for those who have reached the end of the 6 shekels.

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Who is entitled to PIS / Pasep?

When considering the payments to fall within the base year 2020, the worker needs to:

  • To be registered in PIS / Pasep for at least five years;
  • You received in 2020, an average monthly wage up to a minimum wage;
  • Worked in 2020 with a formal contract for 30 consecutive days or not; And the
  • To update information by employers in the annual Social Information Report (RICE).

How do you consult?

First, the worker must know which program suits him best, with PIS intended for citizens working in private companies and Pasep targeting public employees. In this case:

For those who obtain a PIS (private company worker):

  • In the Worker Cashier app;
  • on the Caixa website;
  • in the app square his;
  • Through the Caixa service, Tel: 0800 726 0207.

For those receiving a Pasep (Public Employee):

  • By phone at the Banco do Brasil call center: 4004-0001 (capitals and metropolitan areas);
  • 0800 729 0001 (other cities);
  • 0800 729 0088 (hearing impaired).
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What value will I get?

The amount of the salary allowance takes into account the number of months worked. If a citizen in 2020 works within 12 months, he gets the maximum amount of 1,212 R$. If you have worked for one month, you will receive 1/12 of the national wage, which is equivalent to 101 BRL. see table:

I worked months Values
1 101.00 BRL
two 202.00 BRL
3 303.00 Brazilian Real
4 404.00 Brazilian Real
5 505.00 BRL
6 606.00 BRL
7 707.00 BRL
8 808.00 BRL
9 909.00 BRL
10 1,010.00 BRL
11 1,111.00 BRL
12 1,212.00 Brazilian Real

PIS / Pasep calendar in 2022

PIS is distributed according to the month of birth of the worker:

birth month payday
January February 8
February February 10
March February 15
April February 17
maybe February 22
June February 24
July March 15
August March 17
September March 22
October March 24
November March 29
Dec March 31

Pasep is given by the last digit of the worker’s registration number:

end of recording payday
0 February 15
1 February 15
two February 17
3 February 17
4 February 22
5 February 24
6 March 15
7 March 17
8 March 22
9 March 24

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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