PIS/PASEP Salary Bonus of up to R$1,212 will have two new payments this week

PIS/PASEP Salary Bonus of up to R,212 will have two new payments this week

Care workers! As shown here on the site, the payment for PIS / Pasep . Salary Bonus, base year 2020, already has an official approved calendar. The benefits release schedule has already started.

Last Tuesday (08), for example, those born in January were able to earn up to R$1,212. On Thursday (10), payments were released for those born in February. Payment will be made by Caixa Econômica Federal for PIS-related workers, Pasep payment still being made by Bank of Brazil.

Now, two new batches of payments will be released this week. According to the payment schedule (see below), those born in March and April will be able to opt out during this new week starting.

Next Tuesday (15), those born in March will be able to pull PIS. Next Thursday (17), payments will be released to those born in April.

PIS calendar in 2022

born in Released draw day
January 02/08/2022
February 02/10/2022
March 02/15/2022
April 02/17/2022
may be 02/22/2022
June 02/24/2022
July 03/15/2022
August 03/17/2022
September 03/22/2022
October 03/24/2022
November 03/29/2022
December 03/31/2022

Pasep calendar in 2022

end of recording Released draw day
0 02/15/2022
1 02/15/2022
two 02/17/2022
3 02/17/2022
4 02/22/2022
5 02/24/2022
6 03/15/2022
7 03/17/2022
8 03/22/2022
9 03/24/2022

What is the allowance amount?

At most, a worker can get an amount equal to one lowest wages, currently 1,212 Brazilian Real. If the beneficiary has not worked for 12 months, a smaller amount proportional to the working time will be transferred.

How to withdraw allowance?

PIS (Caixa Ecomica Federal):

  • At Caixa branches, with a photo ID;
  • With a citizen card, at ATMs and lotteries.
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BASEP (Bank of Brazil):

  • At Banco do Brasil branches, with identity document;
  • Through the automatic transfer of the account of the enterprise customer.

Who has the right?

When considering the entitlement to payments for the base year 2020, a worker needs to:

  • To be registered in PIS / Pasep for at least five years;
  • You received in 2020, an average monthly wage up to a minimum wage;
  • Worked in 2020 with a formal contract for 30 consecutive days or not; And
  • To update information by employers in the annual Social Information Report (RICE).

How do I know if I am entitled?

For PIS (private company worker):

  • In the Worker Cashier app;
  • In the Location from the box
  • Through the Caixa service, Tel: 0800 726 0207.

For Pasep (public server):

  • By phone at the Banco do Brasil call center: 4004-0001 (capitals and metropolitan areas);
  • 0800 729 0001 (other cities);
  • 0800 729 0088 (hearing impaired).

How to find your PIS number

To check the amount to be received, you must have your PIS number on hand. If you do not know your number, you can check it on the My INSS portal. The first step, when entering the site, is to log in with your gov.br account.

When you log in, you will just need to open the My Sign Up page. It contains all of your information associated with the gov.br system, which includes your PIS number. It is a very easy process that allows you to consult with your bank.

The beginning of the payment of benefits begins in February and extends until the end of March, with workers receiving in order, from the date of their birth, until the list ends with those born in December.

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It should be clear that the beginning of the payment process does not mean that this payment will be made immediately. The federal government has until December 29 to complete all 2020 equivalent payments.

For more information, you can call 158, and reach Alô Trabalhador, which answers questions about the salary bonus and other questions related to Brazilian workers.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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