Pix Guaranteed: Goodbye Credit Cards? Installment Payment Method via Pix Salaf

Pix Guaranteed: Goodbye Credit Cards? Installment Payment Method via Pix Salaf

The Central Bank is advancing the development of “Pix Garantido”, a new method that will allow purchases to be paid in installments through the Pix payment system. This innovation could be an alternative to common credit card installments, especially for higher value products.

Although there are no full details yet about Pix Garantido, nor information about possible interest charges, the central bank has informed that the method is on Pix's development agenda, but has not yet been launched and does not have a launch date.

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Banks have already offered Pix in instalments

Some financial institutions have already come forward and offer the option to pay Pix in installments as a credit transaction. However, this type of method is subject to the rules of each institution.

As for Pix Garantido, the Brazilian Banking Federation (Febraban) highlighted that, unlike a credit card, a customer will need to have funds available in their current account to use this option. If the customer does not have sufficient funds in the account to pay the installments, he can use the overdraft limit, subject to interest.

The central bank is also preparing to launch new methods: automatic PIX and scheduled recurring PIX. These methods will allow you to schedule rebates and are similar to Pix Garantido. If there are no funds in the account on the due date, notifications will be sent and new payment attempts will be made.

via G1

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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