The Brazilian government has initiated action targeting women in social and economic vulnerabilities. More than 31 thousand units certified in the Farmácia Popular program have begun distributing sanitary pads as part of a policy to promote the health and well-being of the female population in unfavorable conditions.
Who can receive pads?
The supply of sanitary pads targets people living below the poverty line and attending public schools. Segments of the homeless population, those living in highly vulnerable conditions and living in units of the prison system will also be covered.
To benefit, people must be Brazilians or foreigners living in Brazil, between the ages of 10 and 49. They must be registered in the Unified Register (CadÚnico) and have a monthly family income of up to R$ 218 per person.
Students will benefit too
Students of public educational institutions can also obtain pads. However, you must be registered with CadÚnico and the monthly household income per person must reach half of the minimum wage, which is equivalent to R$ 706. For homeless residents, there is no income limit to access the benefit.
This initiative has a potential target audience of approximately 24 million people. The provision of sanitary pads represents an essential measure to ensure quality of life, in addition to other government measures aimed at alleviating the difficulties faced by groups living in situations of socio-economic vulnerability in Brazil.
The distribution of free sanitary pads is an important step towards combating menstrual insecurity, a public health issue that affects many Brazilian women, especially those living in unfavorable socioeconomic conditions. This measure is expected to help reduce inequality and have positive impacts on the health, education and dignity of these women.
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