Science in Community Service will be the theme of the 15th Meeting of Portuguese Students and Researchers in the United Kingdom on June 4 in London, UK, in the presence of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunado.
After two editions in virtual form due to restrictions related to the Govit-19 epidemic, Luso will again be held live in the British capital under the title “PARSUK for All: Unified Knowledge”.
“This year, the theme is a little more comprehensive. PARSUK wants to talk about science and knowledge with less traditional areas, so we will not be in our vacuum and will not talk to other partners in the community,” said Dio Martins, president of Lusa. .
The program includes sessions with discussions on the impact of scientists working outside the academy, the importance of science education and communication, the fight against scientific misinformation, the relationship between art and science, and the role of faith in science.
To emphasize the importance of good scientific communication to the community, a new competition will be awarded சிறந்த 500 (யூ 600) for the best two-minute presentation.
The participation of Elvira Ferdunando, the new Minister of Science and Technology for Higher Education, “is a good opportunity to understand the key priorities and role of Portugal in the field of research, science and higher education. Immigrants,” he said.
Speakers include Nuno Brito, Portuguese Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Nuno Brito in London, Christina Bookerinho, Vice President of the Science and Technology Foundation (FCD), Jono Paulo Esperanza and physicist Carlos Folhoise.
The list of stakeholders includes scientists, journalists, academics and artists.
Having Luso in person will “allow people to be with each other again and meet some friends and colleagues”, said the head of PARSUK, who will be able to establish contacts at the organizational level.
Founded in 2008, PARSUK currently has 2,300 members.
According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), the number of Portuguese students in British universities has increased by 122% from 3,805 in the 2016/17 academic year to 8,470 in 2020/21, but demand has declined over the past year. To change post-Brexit access and financial conditions.