Ufes Postgraduate Program in Social Policy (PPGPS) is among the programs considered to be distinguished nationally and internationally by the Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Improvement (Capes), an institution associated with the Ministry of Education. This is what the score of 6 achieved in the last four-year assessment by Capes stands for, referring to the period 2017-2020.
Assessments for Academic Masters, Masters and Professional Doctoral courses are conducted once every four years. The results of the last four years have been released In September this year.
“Achieving a Grade 6 is the result of teamwork that involved planning and work by professors, students, alumni, technical and administrative staff. But the support of the Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPPG) was also essential, encouraging fifth grade programs to reach Grade Six; contribution National Resources by Capes, CNPq [Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico] and Fapes [Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Espírito Santo]; and international resources, through the British Council”, says PPGPS Coordinator, Professor Maria Lucia Garcia.
Read also: After review, the concept of five Capes PPGs went up. Education wins sixth grade
age of majority
PPGPS, which originated in March, over the eighteen years of its existence, has awarded 158 Masters and 25 Doctors, and has already received nine postdoctoral researchers. The program currently has 43 master’s students, 30 doctoral students, and two postdoctoral students. “The mission of PPGPS is to train students internationally and to produce knowledge of excellence,” Garcia highlights.
She says the creation of PPGPS was an initiative formulated by the Department of Social Work, with a proposal for master’s degrees (in 2003) and doctoral degrees (in 2011), which also included departments of economics and social sciences, with the aim of expanding the possibilities of academic education. narrow narrowSince its inception, PPGPS has provided critical training in understanding the multiple expressions of social issue and the factors and mediations found in the dynamics of capitalism and the state in contemporary times.
social commitment
The main distinguishing feature of PPGPS, according to García, “is its socio-political commitment to quality and socially-referenced training, which articulates the teaching composition of CCJE departments.” [Centro de Ciências Jurídicas e Econômicas] and CCHN [Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais]Formation of a multidisciplinary student with excellence in administrative technical services. If that were not enough, PPGPS is developing systematic indicative procedures that will ensure local, regional and national inclusion of the programme.”
Another commitment “is the socialization of the knowledge produced, whether by publishing articles by professors, students and alumni, or by means of the scientific journal edited by PPGPS which bears the name argument It was the first periodical in Espírito Santo to be awarded A1 grade in Capes,” he points out.
With this date, the PPGPS coordinator reaffirms, “The program has fulfilled all requirements found in the Capes Quadruple Assessment Form, with an emphasis on indicators of international cooperation actions (in a And the Outside), the number of foreign students, the increase in foreign-language publications and investments in co-supervision”.
Regarding the number of foreign students, the indicator increased from 2.6% in 2017 to 7.9% in 2021, when the quadrennial survey was actually conducted. Regarding joint custody, the professor tells that the agreements awarded doctoral students a double degree. At the moment, there is an agreement going on with Robert Gordon University in the UK, which will send a PhD student to Uvis and, in return, will receive a student from Espiritu Santo. Both will have double degrees.
Regarding the future of PPGPS, the Program Coordinator explains that the actions, in the short term, are aimed at preserving Grade 6. “. She points out: “In light of the constant attacks and the reduction of resources, development means changing the direction of education, science and technology policies in Brazil. There is also a need to overcome the work conditions currently faced by PPGPS professors, which are overburdened, and which have ramifications for the life and health of all. Providing good training requires appropriate working conditions,” says the teacher.
Text: Sueli de Freitas
Editing: Teresa Marino
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