bride Zizi de Camargo , Gracielli Lacerda He's been through some very turbulent times in recent months, It includes a fake profile that defames the singer's family that it You quarrel with your husband's son. At the same time, the effect continues Search for pregnancy.
Trying artificial insemination, Gracielli once again sparked rumors of a possible pregnancy by sharing a video of herself getting ready on social media. At the beginning of the content, Zizi's fiancée appeared highlighting her defined body in a photo White swimsuit with holes in the stomach area.
Due to a change in the journalist's body, one of her followers began to suspect that the businesswoman was pregnant. “I notice that you have lost your waist. You're not pregnant, no“, commented the woman incitedly. Graciel, in turn, was honest in her response and replied, “No. I really gained weight. I speak in stories“.
Based on this comment, other netizens expressed their opinion on the matter: “People try to carry you every day, and it's admirable,” one follower said. Another said: “It must be hard having to deny something that's not even people's business.”
Watch the video that sparked the speculation:
Did Graciele Lacerda send an indirect message to Wanessa Camargo?
One of the most iconic moments in a B-movieB 24' He was Expulsion from Wanessa Camargo From the reality show. After what happened, Gracieli Lacerda posted a mysterious message with…
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