Problems found with the Switch Online Plus N64 emulator •

Problems found with the Switch Online Plus N64 emulator •

Nintendo Switch Online Plus is finally available and players who have signed up for the Nintendo Online Extension can access 9 Nintendo 64 classics.

Among the games selected for the initial shipment is the classic The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, an unforgettable game that many will surely love to play again or even for the first time.

The arrival of the classics also allows for comparisons to the original and to other re-releases, such as those conducted by Nintendo in the Virtual Console of Wii or Wii, something done with Ocarina of Time revealing significant differences in the image and questioning which simulation solution it chose Nintendo Corporation.

As you can see in the comparison below, shared by John Linneman of Digital Foundry, the version available on NSO+ is very different from the original because despite the sharpness of the image, the fog that adds so much atmosphere to his scene is completely gone.

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Linneman wrote in response to the comparison images: “It appears that there are issues with haze and transparency in the Switch’s emulation solution (which appears to be based on the All Stars 3D emulator)”.

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“He still doesn’t seem to be doing well with every game. Not so well.”

In addition to comparing images, you can watch a video showing the three versions in action and another unfavorable reaction to the simulation solution that Nintendo has chosen for the service.

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Other issues reported in the first few hours relate to alternate controls and details that could detract from the simulation experience, such as the inability to save games.

The inability to save the game in the WinBack process is One of those weird details Which affects only a few games, while the lack of features like reset controls causes headaches for some players.

Some players have reported that when using the new N64 command on the Switch, they can’t even reset the buttons and the control system changes completely and in nonsensical ways.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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