Protect your PlayStation 5 with these 3 no-nonsense tips!

Protect your PlayStation 5 with these 3 no-nonsense tips!

Video game consoles are a great choice for anyone who wants to play in this world, enjoy the best games that have been released and also have fun with friends. But it is very important that you take exceptional care of the product, in order to avoid headaches and unnecessary spending of money on your game.

Therefore, there are three tips that are infallible and will still help you a lot. Want to know how to protect your PlayStation 5 with just 3 important pieces of information? So, check it out with us now!

1. Clean your console

It may seem like very silly and obvious advice, but did you know that cleaning your device is very important for PlayStation 5 maintenance? In fact, any console needs this cleaning. And to make the gamer’s life easier, the PS5 already comes with two removable skins to clean.

Since the device is left standing for a long time in the same place, it ends up accumulating dust and dirt over time, which can impair the performance and even performance of the PS5. But an important warning: do not use chemicals, as this can harm the video game.

2. PS5 off the wall

As part of Sony’s own recommendation, the console should be at least 10cm away from the wall. And do you know why? Because the console is ventilated, it has enough space to expel the hot air it produces and avoid damaging the product. Since this is done on the back of the PS5, it’s best to stay away from the wall.

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In addition, Sony also recommends that the device not be placed on carpets or thick-fiber fabrics, which prevent heat from passing through. Also, to have a well-ventilated and flexible space for the console, precisely for the same reason. Therefore, the video game will have a way to “breathe” and will function normally.

3. Use font filters

The third and final tip is the most important on this list. It is because Brazil is among the countries with the highest incidence of lightning, did you know that? Unfortunately, this may harm you if you continue to play the video game. So be careful and use a surge protector with SPD (Surge Protective Device).

The line filter helps protect you from various outbreaks and power outages that can damage and even burn your console.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure you don’t have major problems. After all, have you ever considered paying R$5,000 for a video game and losing it to lightning? It doesn’t work, does it? So, follow these infallible tips and ensure a long life for your pleasure!

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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