Redao do Dirio da Sade
The new technology promises low-power systems for use in bilateral eyes.
[Imagem: Northumbria University]
face energy
The new technology solution promises to reduce the thirst for power in binary eyes, which still require large batteries and prevent creative mixtures of different types of circuits.
Yunxia Hu and colleagues at Northumbria University (UK) have developed a method for controlling synthetic synaptic devices used in electronic retina, robotics and optical prosthetics.
A major advance, which should benefit the work of many teams, is the injection of indium metal elements into a two-dimensional (2D) material called molybdenum disulfide (MoS).2), which is one of the most promising technologies in this whole group of new technologies.
The mixture results in a significant improvement in electrical conductivity, reducing the power consumption of the optical synapses used in the development of bilateral eyes.
Then the technology was tested in the framework of the electronic retina, where it was found that it is able to perform image detection functions with the required high quality.
“Current visual systems rely on physically separate sensors, memories and processing units. These systems are often energy-intensive and difficult to perform complex learning and image processing tasks. Therefore, our newly developed method is of great interest to the next generation of synthetic devices,” said Professor Richard Foo, Coordinator the team.
Binary eyes
Binuclear eye implants operate within existing eye structures or in the brain. It is designed to achieve functional vision goals – as opposed to purely cosmetic effects.
Several bilateral eye implants are in development, but very few are currently available clinically, and many are still only suitable for blindness caused by specific eye diseases.
However, as research continues, more and more people will be able to benefit from the high-tech binary eyes technology, Professor Fu said.
Article: Ultra-strong optical clamps based on MoS2 layers by indium-induced surface charge doping for biomimetic eyes.
Cars: Yunxia Hu, Mingjin Dai, Wei Feng, Xin Zhang, Feng Gao, Shichao Zhang, Biying Tan, Jia Zhang, Yong Shuai, YongQing Fu, PingAn Hu
Publication: Advanced Materials
DOI: 10.1002 / adma.202104960
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