PS3 compatibility may have been patented.

PS3 compatibility may have been patented.

Sony may be about to announce a tool that will expand support for older games on new hardware. A recently discovered backwards compatibility patent suggests that rumors of PS3 games on the PS5 have a chance to become reality.

According to a report from reappear first, “Software Backward Compatibility Testing” was patented by Mike Cerny himself. A Sony engineer was responsible for rebooting both the PS4 and PS5.

PS5 Backwards Compatibility Patent Will Be Improved

The document, which can be found at Justia patentsIt suggests an improved system where the PS5 will be able to activate a special “time trial mode.” In more common terms, this could be a “stress test” similar to network betas in multiplayer games.

It's unclear how this will work, but the patent for backward compatibility would overcome the PS3's complex architecture, which relies on the Cell processor. Because of this system, there have been delays in resolving configuration issues and providing support.

Patented backward compatibility
Source: Cloning

It should be noted that this patent is just a project and is not linked to any clear intention of Sony. Therefore, there are chances that the paper will be left or integrated into another type of gadget.

A few days ago, journalists commented on the possibility of native support for PS3 games arriving at any time. But since then, this information has been treated as just rumors. Click here to learn more.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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