From March 2017 to the same month in 2022, the riyal lost 31.32% of its value and strength against others. The inflation It is felt by thousands of Brazilians, especially those on low incomes. Despite the domestic scenario, the Brazilian currency has gained purchasing power in some Latin American countries.
Read more: Inflation soared in Argentina and caused the cost of iPhone to increase by more than R$40,000
This is because other countries have also faced serious economic problems and political crises in recent years. This is the case of Argentina. The country is experiencing a strong experience Currency devaluation of weight. No wonder that some time ago so many Brazilians traveled there as well as to other destinations in Latin America.
real purchasing power
With the increase in real purchasing power in some places, travel agencies – such as Decolar – have registered a high demand of people who want to travel to Buenos Aires, Santiago, Montevideo and other already very popular destinations in South America.
According to the company, this happened because cities are in countries where currencies are less valued against the dollar and the riyal, making it easier tourism Brazilian.
Specialists heard by Estadão explained that it was observed in the past year that the real against the dollar has performed better than, for example, the Mexican, Chilean and Colombian peso.
The purchasing power of the real records is a better result for the Colombian peso, as one Colombian peso is equivalent to 0.0012 Brazilian real. According to the Economist’s analysis of Latin American countries, only the rial has purchasing power lower to Uruguayan Peso.
Despite all this scenario, Brazilians should plan and consider the economic scenario of Brazil before they decide to spend all their booking money on travel, especially those who intend to use their credit cards. credit In international purchases, where conversion rates remain high.