Quick drawing! How to use Quick Draw, Google’s game that guesses your drawings

Quick drawing!  How to use Quick Draw, Google’s game that guesses your drawings

“Quick draw!”. Did you read this about? a Quick drawing It is an online game created by Google and has been very popular this year. It uses artificial intelligence, which is very common now, to guess what you are drawing.

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The game consists of making six different drawings in 20 seconds each, following the instructions on the website. For example, the site might ask you to draw a banana, a watch, or a dog. As you draw, the site tries to learn about your drawing and tells you what it thinks. If he gets it right, you move on to the next drawing. If he makes a mistake, you can try again or skip to another drawing.

In practice, the game is a fun and educational way to interact with the AI ​​and learn how it works. The site also features graphics from other people who have played the game and how they compare to yours.

In addition, Quick Draw shares drawing data with the public to aid in machine learning research. The game is available in multiple languages, including Brazilian Portuguese, hence the “Fast, draw!” who opened the text.

Learn how to play Quick Draw

jovo is one of many google projects that explore creativity and technology. Although it’s popular again now, Quick Draw was released in 2016 and continues to be updated and improved to this day. As of 2023, the game has over 1 billion drawings made by people all over the world.

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See step by step:

  1. Type “Quick, Draw” into your browser’s search bar and click on the first link that appears in the results if you’re searching on Google. Another option is to enter the exact address, which is Quickdraw.withgoogle.com;
  2. When the site page loads, find the yellow button that says “Let’s draw” and click on it;
  3. The website will provide you with a design to reproduce. Review it and click OK to get started;
  4. Use your mouse or touchpad to draw on the blank canvas. If necessary, use the upper buttons: the first deletes the drawing, the second moves to the next challenge and the last closes the game;
  5. Once you’ve completed all the challenges, you’ll have access to an index of all the drawings you’ve made;
  6. By clicking on one of your drawings, the site will display similar drawings made by other users, allowing you to compare results;
  7. ready! Enjoy quick drawing, draw for fun and test your artistic skills as the game tries to guess your drawings in real time.

* Image: Experiments with Google / Disclosure

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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