Sao Paulo records 4 deaths due to dengue fever within 24 hours

Sao Paulo records 4 deaths due to dengue fever within 24 hours

Dengue fever is causing concern in São Paulo, where the state health department has released alarming numbers. In just one day, four people lost their lives to this disease, bringing the total number of deaths to 158 since January. In addition, there are 344 more deaths under investigation, and an alarming total of 366,492 confirmed cases.

The seriousness of the situation

The data released shows a worrying scenario: among the registered cases, 4,346 cases indicated worrying signs, while 403 cases developed into serious conditions. This highlights the importance of being aware of symptoms and seeking medical attention immediately.

The most common symptoms

According to the state Department of Health, in **85%** of dengue cases, fever was the most common symptom, followed by headache (78%), muscle pain (77%), nausea (40%), and back pain (31%) ) and pain behind the eyes (30%). These data highlight the importance of knowing the symptoms of dengue fever for rapid and accurate identification of the disease.

The most affected municipalities

Dengue fever is not limited to a specific area of ​​the country; It affects several areas. Some cities, such as Guarulhos, with 14 deaths, and Jacare, with 12, are among the worst affected. The capital, Sao Paulo, tops the sad ranking with **19 deaths**. The geographic distribution of deaths demonstrates the urgent need for preventive and control measures across the state.

Here is the list of municipalities in São Paulo with fatal victims of the disease:

    • Taupati (12)
    • Photoburanga (2)

Preventative measurements

The alarming data is an urgent call to action. It is essential that everyone takes preventive measures, such as avoiding the accumulation of standing water, using repellents, and installing barriers on windows and doors. Furthermore, monitoring and controlling Aedes aegypti mosquito outbreaks is essential to control the spread of the disease.

See also  63.5 million Brazilians fully vaccinated

Amid alarming statistics, awareness and teamwork have become our greatest weapons against dengue. Together, we can fight this pandemic and protect our communities.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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