Schulz’s coalition is punished in the German state elections

Schulz’s coalition is punished in the German state elections

The Social Democrats, Liberals and Greens who make up Olaf Scholz’s government recorded losses in the elections in the states of Bavaria and Hesse.

Olaf Schulz in Prague 8/29/2022

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Deutsche Welle – The three parties that make up the National Coalition led by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz were punished by voters in two state elections held on Sunday (08/10), which were seen as a measure of Germans’ confidence in the current German government.

The first estimates, published by the ARD network, show that the Greens, Liberals and Social Democrats lost ground in the elections in Bavaria and Hesse, two of the richest states in Germany that represent about a fifth of the country’s population.

The conservatives and far right, who are in opposition at the federal level, made gains on Sunday and can be considered the main beneficiaries of the growing rejection of the Schulz government, which faces criticism from part of the electorate over how it has dealt with this government. We have been dealing with problems such as high costs of living, illegal immigration and economic recession affecting the country. At the end of August, a poll showed that only 25% of German voters approved of the Federal Chancellor’s administration.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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