Scientists simulate glowing plasma around black holes in the lab | space

For the first time, researchers have been able to simulate what happens to matter in the laboratory before it is “swallowed” by a black hole. Just like in space, scientists have been able to create an accretion disk that can help learn how black holes grow and how collapsing matter forms stars.

Normally, when a black hole feeds, the matter around it heats up, changing its physical state and becoming a plasma, consisting of charged ions and free electrons. This element begins to rotate in a structure called an accretion disk. This spin causes a centrifugal force that pushes the plasma outward, which is counterbalanced by the black hole’s gravity pulling it inward. This ends up forming a glowing ring around the cosmic abyss.

The big question is: How does a black hole grow if material is trapped in orbit rather than falling into the hole? To test this, researchers at Imperial College London, UK, relied on mega-ampere generators for plasma eruption experiments (MAGPIE), a machine to spin “plasma” into a more accurate representation of accretion discs. Details of the experiment have been published in the journal Physical review letters.

In the Statement issued by the universityVicente Valenzuela-Villaseca explains that this study, in addition to showing how accretion disks behave and how black holes grow, can also reveal other phenomena. Seeing how gas clouds collapse to form stars or even form a star by understanding the stability of plasma in fusion experiments are some of the simulation’s additional benefits.

Scientists simulate glowing plasma around black holes in the laboratory – Image: Imperial College London

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In this study, the team used liquid metals that could be rotated to see what happens when magnetic fields are applied. However, because the metals used to simulate the plasma need to be contained in tubes, it is not a faithful representation of the origin around the black hole, which presents a free flow.

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Prior to the simulations, the leading theory was that instability in the magnetic fields in the plasma causes friction, which results in a loss of energy and a fall off an abyss. To perform the test, the group used MAGPIE to accelerate and collide eight jets of plasma, forming a spinning column. The machine is a pulse power generator originally designed to produce a current pulse of a maximum of 1.8 million amperes in 240 nanoseconds.

They found that the closer to the interior, the faster the rotating ring moved, which is an important feature of accretion disks in the universe. Because the device produces short plasma pulses, it was only possible to rotate one disk.

“We are just beginning to be able to observe these accretion disks in entirely new ways, which includes our experiments and our snapshots of black holes using the Event Horizon Telescope. This will allow us to test our theories and see if they match astronomical observations,” Valenzuela-Villasica notes.

Although preliminary, the proof-of-concept experiment shows how the number of cycles can be increased with longer pulses, allowing for a better characterization of disk properties. More research is needed to allow the application of magnetic fields and to test their effect on system friction.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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