Before you buy a ticket and plan a trip to European countries, you should know the conditions for entering this place (Credit: AFP)
The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated global tourism and is now breathing again as the blockade of flights departing from Brazil and elsewhere ends. On the other hand, while the sector recovers, the Micron variable is causing fear and countries are strengthening security at borders and airport entrances.
To avoid problems you may encounter with scheduled flights at the end of the year, see below some tips that can help you when leaving home and enjoying an international flight.
1 – Do all countries require quarantine? how many days?
Not all countries require mandatory quarantine, but most require a vaccine passport and restrict entry for unvaccinated people. In addition, some sites require a PCR test, which is performed 72 hours prior to boarding, or an antigen procedure is performed 48 hours prior to departure.
Italy does not accept people who have passed through Brazil in the last 14 days; The UK requires a two-day quarantine even if the test is negative; France imposes 10 days of isolation on unvaccinated people; In Canada, there are 14 days of quarantine for the unvaccinated; Argentina adopts 7 days of quarantine for unvaccinated people, at the same time required in Chile; Uruguay is isolating people who have tested positive for 14 days.
click hereYou can find out which countries require quarantine for non-vaccinators
2 – Is there an international vaccination certificate? What countries are ordering?
The International Certificate of Vaccination and Prevention (CIVP) is a document that certifies that you are vaccinated against certain diseases such as yellow fever, polio and meningitis and can be used in all countries. It is released free of charge and can be ordered on the Anvisa website.
click here (When entering the page select the option “Travel requirements”), you can know in advance which countries require this certificate. Countries like the United States and Germany, for example, do not require CIVP.
The so-called “vaccine passport” used for travelers at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic is another document. In this case, the national Covid-19 vaccination certificate certifies that you are familiar with the vaccination, or that you took the last dose within the period set by the country – this minimum time period ranges from 14 days to 21 days.
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3 – How to obtain a digital vaccination certificate?
To remove the National Certificate of Covid-19 Vaccination (CNVC), you need to submit an application issued to the Ministry of Health, using the ConecteSUS Citizen.
you can find More information by clicking here.
4 – To ascend, do I need a full vaccination schedule?
Depending on the country, you will not be able to enter without a vaccination. For this type of information, the ideal option is to check the vaccination rules in Consulate locations She plans to complete the two-dose vaccination schedule.
5- Is any vaccine accepted outside Brazil?
Not all vaccinations are accepted. This will depend on the destination of your travel, and the vaccinations that are given to the residents of that place and that have been approved by the local health authorities. Most countries accept cross-vaccination (one dose with AstraZeneca and one with Pfizer, for example), but not all accept Coronavac, in the case of Germany.
In these cases, it is worth contacting the country’s embassy in Brazil. Click here to access the Embassy’s contact list.
6 – Are there countries that require visas other than the United States?
Obtaining a visa to enter the United States has always been a bit difficult. During the height of the pandemic, visa services at the US consulate were suspended and took just over two months.
To check the need for an entry visa in other countries, contact the destination embassy. Click here to access a list of contacts with embassies in Brazil.
7 – Do I need travel insurance to enter countries?
It is not necessary to have travel insurance to enter other countries. In these cases, insurance is interesting for those who have a health problem, or want to avoid potential problems during their stay. Remember that public health outside of Brazil is not always accessible and that hospitalization or medical care costs can be expensive.
On the other hand, insurance has rates that take into account many variables, such as age and health issues, that can make your trip more expensive. In these cases, it is worth researching prices and assessing the need to contract a plan.
8 – What are the procedures regulating travel within an aircraft?
At this time, the use of a mask is mandatory throughout the flight and flight attendants can call the police if any passenger refuses to wear protection.
Some exceptions are open to people with autism, intellectual or sensory disabilities, or any other problem that prevents mask use. In these cases, a medical statement will be required.
Children under the age of 3, or adults with a medical certificate that prohibits mask use, are also released.
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