Many were waiting for more explored gameplay Resident Evil 4 Remake In the Show From Capcom last Monday (13) – But only a small preview has been released. However, this did not stop the channel.”ElAnalistaDeBitsTo compare a small snippet of gameplay with the original product.
As expected, the publisher made substantial changes to the classic book. Immediately, the biggest difference is the atmosphere, which is now all dark and frightening, filled with mist and dry trees that lend a sense of horror to Leon’s new story – reminiscent of the suspended Resident Evil 3.5, the prototype from the 2005 Check it title out below:
The above comparison is based on the beginning of Resident Evil 4, when Leon arrives at the hut and encounters his first Ganado. In one of the released images, it was also possible to see that many of them will leave the unlikely places – another reason to be afraid of this dark and suffocating environment.
Capcom’s new reimagining will be released in March 24, 2023 for PS5and Xbox Series X | S and PC.
Fans find possible links between Resident Evil 4 remake and RE Village
The trailer for Resident Evil 4 Remake has fueled many theories, some of which even include Resident Evil Village – which came into the epic chronology years later. Does the development team create these possible links? Check details!