See when the fund will distribute the funds

See when the fund will distribute the funds

Workers who have a balance in active or inactive accounts of the severance pay fund are entitled to FGTS win. The value corresponds to the income of the fund, in accordance with the law 13,446/2017, It is proportional to the account balance.

In addition to setting payment criteria, the law also sets the maximum term for the Board of Trustees for a deposit. Thus, according to the document, transfers should take place until August 31 of each year. In 2021, payments for 2020 began to be issued on August 17.

For this year, FGTS earnings transfers must be made between August 1 and August 31. However, the official dates for payment, as well as the amount of the transfer, have not been released.

Winning the FGTS in 2022: Who is entitled?

As already mentioned, the income will be paid to those workers who finished the previous year with a balance in the account. The amounts paid vary according to the balance each account holder had in the account on December 31, 2021.

It is important to know that a file win FGTS The calculation is based on the 3% correction stipulated in the legislation. Of this amount, only a part will be transferred to the workers. In 2021, for example, the converted percentage was 96% for over 190 million active and inactive accounts.

How were the payments last year?

The transfers that took place last year were for 2020. The total income in the fund, plus all existing accounts with a balance 8.468 billion Brazilian real. Of this amount, R$ 8.129 billion was transferred to account holders in variable amounts, such as:

  • A balance of R$ 2 thousand was received, R$ 37.26;
  • A balance of 3 thousand R$ 55.89 was received;
  • A balance of R$ 4,000 received R$ 74.52;
  • A balance of R$ 5,000 received R$ 93.15;
  • A balance of R$10,000 earned he received R$186.30;
  • A balance of 20 thousand Brazilian riyals received 372.60 Brazilian riyals;
  • A balance of 100,000 Brazilian riyals got 1,863 Brazilian riyals.

a win FGTS It is passed on to workers because the balance of the guarantee fund is used by the government as a kind of “loan” to finance actions, such as a business, for example.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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