Sergio Reyes admits his mistake and denies being ‘the kisser’ of Bolsonaro – Politica

Sergio Reyes admits his mistake and denies being ‘the kisser’ of Bolsonaro – Politica
country singer s
Country singer Sergio Reyes, 81 years old (Photo: Reproduo)

Life of a Country Singer and Former Federal Representative Sergio Reese It became noisy after some controversial statements in favor of the president Jair Bolsonaro (No party). However, with his career now in decline, he admitted he was wrong and still denies being an “idiot” for the CEO.

On social media, the singer was “cancelled” causing damage to his career. They want to kill me. I am already experiencing a loss. They canceled four shows and two commercials that I would have done right now. They took one of the air I make for a shop in Curitiba. In an interview with Congresso em Foco, he said they will be off the air for a month and wait to see what happens.

During the conversation, he admitted that he was wrong and also stated that he was defending democracy and that there was “no need” for military intervention. “I am not Bolsonaro’s lover,” he said.

“I really got it wrong, I got it wrong a lot. I shouldn’t, because people think… I talked to a friend. Post it in a small group. Una friend. From life. They threaten me, thinking I’m afraid. But I didn’t hide. I’m here in The house, I did not attack anyone. “We are with my responsibility,” he said.

However, he said he has not yet been notified. “If they open, let’s defend, what’s right. I’m not afraid of prison. When I was sly, I quarreled, I got into a ridiculous fight. I was arrested for fighting, and I had to answer for what I did. I didn’t do anything now.”

In addition, he admits that he took to the streets to join the choir of Pocketnaristas on the Independence Day holiday. For today, demonstrations against the STF and Congress and in favor of Bolsonaro.

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“I have to go out into the street because I stuck with them. I want to show people that they want to intimidate me. If I have to die, I die, I die for my country. I don’t run away,” he said.

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