Simony ties the husband to a pole after losing his wedding ring

Simony ties the husband to a pole after losing his wedding ring

Simone showed how angry she was and tied her husband, Philip Rodriguez, to the pole at home as punishment for losing his wedding ring. The singer enjoyed the situation: “You will sleep here today,” she said in a joking tone.

“Your husband says he lost his ring from time to time? Because only me ask for help to find his ring. My king never leaves my finger in my life. Know yourself! The alliance comes from the finger alone?” I began in the first sequence of stories. “Sometimes we lose, you slip away,” replied Felipe with a laugh.


Not satisfied with the answer, the singer opened up an Instagram poll to see if this was popular with other women as well. Moments later, the boy appeared with his arms and legs tied to a pole in the house with his mouth covered.

“Here at home we work this way. He has lost his ring and will sleep here today. You will be sequestered because you have lost your alliance, and you will be stuck in the room pole. And go to sleep here. That is how it will be until you find the ring. If you find it, return to the warm room, sweetheart.” So girls, this is the teaching I give you, you lost your ring, this is the punishment.” The singer’s 7-year-old son, Anthony, followed the moment and had fun with his mom.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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