“Skyscraper”. Chart showing how cases were opened abroad

“Skyscraper”.  Chart showing how cases were opened abroad

nAt a time when the number of new cases of Covid-19 is increasing, Health Minister Marta Temido said on Friday that It’s “useful” to know what’s going on there, particularly in countries such as the United Kingdom or Denmark. In these places, the curve of the corresponding graph of new cases has been very steep in recent days, which Marta Temedo describes as a “skyscraper.”

Looking at these two countries “we see that the traditional form of incidence curve evolution is Replace it with a wall of cases, almost a skyscraper of casesThe Minister of Health said at a press conference.

This, on UK release day 93,045 more injuries related to the novel coronavirus, setting a new record. 3,201 cases of the new variant were also identified, bringing the total to 14,909 in the country.

Minute NewsThe UK reported another 93,045 cases of Covid-19 on Friday© GOV.UK Coronavirus Reproduction

Denmark, on the other hand, announced today new restrictions On nightlife, cinemas, theaters and concert halls are closed, as a reaction to Record increase in new cases Covid-19 is registered in the Nordic countries.

Denmark registered a new Historical record of more than 11,000 cases in the last 24 hours, including a new record of more than 2,500 cases linked to the Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus, the Danish government released at a press conference.

Minute NewsGraph of data updated as of December 16, 2021© Reproduction | world standards

Here, according to Marta Temido, The prevalence of this species in Portugal is already around 20%., estimated that it could spread by 50% in the week of Christmas and 80% at the end of the week.

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The Minister of Health considers that this new alternative is more convertible From Delta, therefore, the guardianship refers to the need to strengthen “the use of masks”, “vaccination” and “border control”.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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