Sonia Abrau explodes Isabel's attitude towards Davy and makes a serious accusation: “Seduction”

Sonia Abrau explodes Isabel's attitude towards Davy and makes a serious accusation: “Seduction”

Presenter Sonia Abrau Drop the action on the program The afternoon is yours This is on Thursday, 03/07. Without mincing her tongue, she was surprised when she spoke about behavior Isabelle with David In the BP24.

Sonia Abrau and Isabelle from

Sonia Abrau and Isabel from “BBB 24”

Photo: Reproduction / RedeTV / Globo / Mais Novela

After Davey's statement to his sister, Sonia stated that the Bahian looks “weak” on the reality show Globo. The caller also made a serious accusation against Isabel.

“He seemed so vulnerable yesterday about how he feels about her. He could have been that way, all this time, and we even thought about it a few times, especially after that scene in the little brothers' bed. That's the thing, he's one step away from… “Crossing that line between friendship and something more, even though he says he's married all the time.”seem.

Do you use seduction?

Sonia Abrau has stated that Isabel uses “seduction” in the game. “His commitment is to Manny, she is his wife, and he assumes that all the time. He has this commitment to her, it's not just moral but also emotional. But he met Kunya in his life, and you know, she uses seduction in the game, yeah. “I have already used it on him several times, as I have already witnessed.” opinion.

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