According to the new statistics of direct investment sites by the end investor, released by the regulator today, Spain was the country of residence of the end owners with the largest direct investment sites in Portugal, followed by Portugal, France, the United Kingdom and China. .
The data reveal differences in the analysis based on the direct counterparty, where there was a greater focus, with Spain, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and the United Kingdom being the countries that led the centers of direct investment in Portugal.
According to the new information, the 20 largest final investor countries together accounted for 93% of the total value of foreign investment in Portugal at the end of 2021.
British Development Bank data also shows that investments from the Netherlands and Luxembourg mostly originate from other countries.
According to the analysis, 41% of China’s direct investment location in Portugal was through Luxembourg, 22% through Hong Kong, and only 28% directly, without using third countries.
When the final investor is France, 66% of Portugal’s direct investment position in 2021 was owned directly by French entities and 28% through Luxembourg-based intermediary entities.
The data also indicates that when the last investor was Portugal “it was associated with the flow of investment to and from Portugal through intermediary entities residing in the Netherlands and Luxembourg (59% and 17%, respectively).”
The data also reveals that a large part of this investment, in general, has taken the form of capital.
However, there were geographical differences. This percentage was higher in the case of the BRICS countries (97%) and lower in the case of countries belonging to the European Union (82%), says the British Development Bank.
In an analysis by sector of economic activity, it was noted that 38% of direct investment in the electricity, gas and water sector came from China, while 31% of investment in Portuguese manufacturing industries originated in the United Kingdom.
The British Development Bank today launched the new statistics for centers of direct investment by the end investor, which allows determining the origin of the investment, i.e. the country of the final counterparty or the final investor, in order to assess who owns or controls the investment. Invest, enjoy the income and take risks.
The regulator’s new statistics, published by only 17 countries worldwide, will be released quarterly.