The long-awaited animated film Spider-Man Through the Spiderverse 2, officially Spider-Man Through the Spiderverse, won its first official trailer at CCXP Worlds 21 during a Sony Pictures panel. And the company that owns the rights to the Marvel hero showed the video exclusively to viewers of the Brazilian event.
The teaser trailer shows Miles Morales enjoying the song Sunflower, by Post Malone, and then being called up by Gwen Stacy — as in the post-credits scenes of the first movie.
Next, the young Spider-Gwen invites Miles for a walk and then we see him travel through the multiverse The spider, known as the Spider-verse and attacked by Spider-Man 2049, whose identity is Miguel O’Hara. The story will be divided into two parts
After the delay, the first part of Spider-Man on Spiderverse 2, or Spider-Man Through the Spiderverse, begins in cinemas on October 7, 2022. According to a rumor, the new movie will feature Spider-Man from the animation for a year. Nineteen ninety-nine.
In our review of Spider-Man on the Spiderverse, we said the movie “not only represents a new perspective on the superhero we love, but also an unprecedented way to create cinematic animation; all while we laugh, cry and become emotional”.
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