Sun makes up and meets Guilma again after an argument about going to live with his stepfather, Ximbinha

Sun makes up and meets Guilma again after an argument about going to live with his stepfather, Ximbinha

At last there was peace between Guelma and her son, Iago Matos. After separating from the young man because he decided to move to live with his stepfather Ximbinha and his current wife, the singer met her son and met him at the weekend in Belem. Yesterday, the young man returned to the mansion where he lives with Ximbinha to spend Father’s Day with him.

Yago is 25 years old and is the son of Joelma and attorney Robson Leão, but Ximbinha is what his father calls him. The singer did not like it at all when the boy went to live with her ex-husband and Karen Kathleen Fernandez, current from Ximbinha and indicated that he was the focus of their separation.

Son says Golma stopped him after he went to live with his stepfather Ximbinha: ‘I won’t choose either side’

In April, Yago revealed on social media that he had a falling out with his mother after he decided to move in with Ximbinha. At the time, he said that he was blocked by his mother on Instagram.

“I came to live in Belem for work and did not stop following my mother. I was taboo. I do not fight with her, but I will not take sides either, they are my parents. If there is a problem between them, let them solve it. Laziness about these family problems,” he wrote at the time, in Comment on a post on Instagram.

Yago meets Joelma in Belém and then spends Father's Day with Ximbinha
Yago meets Joelma in Belém and then spends Father’s Day with Ximbinha Image: Reproduction / Instagram

Ximbinha and his wife Karen Kethlen Fernandes
Ximbinha and his wife, Karen Kethlen Fernandes Photo: clone / instagram
Ximbinha and Yago Matos at the surprise concert
Ximbinha and Yago Matos at a musician’s surprise party Photo: clone / instagram

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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