Tatá apologizes to Fiuk with track and sarcasm at Multishow Award; Video · TV news

Tatá apologizes to Fiuk with track and sarcasm at Multishow Award;  Video · TV news

Tatá Werneck took advantage of the closure of the 2021 Multishow Prize and featured a headband that read “100% Fiuk”. At dawn on Thursday (9), the presenter apologized to Fabio Jr.’s son in a sarcastic tone. After the two starred in the atmosphere on Lady Knight Records, a show hosted by the comedian at Multishow.

In preparation for the audience’s farewell, Iza summoned Clara’s mother, Maria, to the stage. “We have come to the end of another Multishow award, which is already part of the history of Brazilian music. Come here, Tatá,” the singer asked.

The presenter then appeared with a “100% Fiuk” banner in her head, but left to apologize for the feud with Cleo’s brother at the end of her speech.

“My love, I like you, you are amazing. It is a pleasure to be here, I am very happy to be with you for another year. If Globo likes, next year there is Domingão da Tatazão,” joked a comedian looking for Isa.

“Guys, I wanted to apologize to Fiuk. I want to make up. 100% Fiuk,” Tata exclaimed before leaving the stage. “This is written on her forehead, you can see it, right?” Voice Brasil technician response.

Earlier, the presenter had already made a joke about the situation with the ex-BBB. After Isa praised her dress and played with the potentially high investment in looks, Tata replied, “Don’t talk about budget, because I said that last year.” I bought my RedeTV dress! I was treated. But really, this year, the way Globo is, this dress is buying Globo. Do you want to buy your own Globo? She joked.

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Then, the owner of the Pesadão song got serious and asked Tatá to follow the award script. “We did not agree on that,” the artist said. The comedian replied, “Love, don’t make Phok, no. Don’t stir up this controversy.”

The climax occurred between Fiuk and Tatá during the recording of Lady Night. The singer did not like some of the jokes made by the presenter and complained that she did not mix those jokes. He refused to answer questions and became the target of criticism on social media.

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