Professor Roberta López dos Passos, 35, died in the early hours of Friday 24. She was hospitalized in serious condition after undergoing plastic surgery at Hospital São José in Tejucas. She lived in Camborić and left behind her husband and two children, ages 3 and 6.
Roberta underwent liposuction, tummy tuck, and breast lift. After the procedures, she was taken to a hospital in Balneario Camborić, where she was left in an induced coma due to complications.
The surgery was done on December 15 and complications began the next day.
The doctor Sergio Kennett, who performed the operation, issued a note, in which he stated that there were no problems during the surgery, and would provide all the information necessary for the investigation.
Check the note
“My sympathies, as do the entire aid team at São José-Tejucas Hospital, are with the family at this very difficult time.
Here are some considerations:
The entire surgery was performed within the framework of absolute normality. When Roberta was recovering in the hospital room, the anesthesiologist and I spent visits during the postoperative period, as no serious complications were identified.
On the morning of Thursday, the 16th, around 7 a.m., when I was arriving at the hospital, I got a call telling me that Roberta was not feeling well. After a new reassessment of her health, the necessary procedures were carried out and Roberta was transferred to the intensive care unit at Hospital do Curaçao in Balneario Camborić.
I follow up with the hospital staff, keep in daily contact with the ICU doctors, and whenever I am asked, I provide the necessary information and assistance regarding my surgeries.”
The Sao Jose Hospital, in Tejucas, said it would investigate the case, as well as the civil police.