Actress Teresa Amayo died in the early hours of Monday morning (24/1), at the age of 88, of kidney cancer. She has been at home and has been battling illness for the past year.
Born in Belém, Teresa began her career as an actress in the 1950s, when she broke out in the theater and began to show herself in cinema in several films, first in melodramas such as “Meu Dia Chegará” (1951), “Santa de Um Crazy” (1953). ), “Perdidos de Amor” (1953) and “O Diamante” (1955), and later in Chanchadas such as “Fuzileiro do Amor” (1957), “Na Corda Bamba” (1958), “O Camelô da Rua Larga” (1958). ), “O Barbeiro Que Se Vira” (1958) and “Eu Sou o Tal” (1959).
Her success in cinema led her to television, where she became one of TV Globo’s first contractors, working on the network’s opening television series, such as “O Rei dos Ciganos” (1966), “A Rainha Louca” (1967), “Sangue e Areia” (1968) and “The Last Waltz” (1969), when he was romantically partnered with Claudio Marzo.
She also participated in “Pecado Capital” (1975) and in recent productions such as “Lady of Destiny” (2004) and “Flor do Caribe” (2013).
In December 2004, tragedy rocked his family when his daughter, son-in-law and grandson became victims of the tsunami in Thailand that left more than 220,000 people dead.
In recent years, he returned to the cinema, and participated in many comedies, among them “SOS: Mulheres ao Mar” (2014), “Sorria, Você Está Being Filmado” (2014), “Doidas e Santas” (2016) and “Sai Dawn: The Movie “(2019).