The abortion company wants to sue the British government after the funding cut

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The International Planned Parenthood Federation has threatened to sue the British government if the budget cuts continue.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation has threatened to sue the British government if the budget cuts continue.| Photo: Marusikova / Pixabe

UK delegation on 13 July [também chamada de Câmara dos Comuns]Agreed to reduce international aid from 0.7% to 0.5% of the country’s income. There were 333 votes in favor of 298. This budget also includes funding for abortions in developing countries.

This means the Women’s Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) program, which works with abortion providers such as MSI Reproductive Choices (now Mary Stops International) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). In value, IPPF will lose approximately மில்லியன் 43 million.

Three days after the vote, the IPPF Announced that he would send a letter to the British Government, Competing against the decision and threatening to sue him if he does not change his position.

According to the IPPF, the cuts, which the company considers illegal – “will have a devastating effect on millions of vulnerable people around the world, especially women and young people who have been handed over in the dark and uncertain future.”

The organization regrets that without further funding it will be forced to withdraw support for health services in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, C டிte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Uganda, Nepal and Lebanon and nine other countries. About 4,500 service delivery points worldwide. In other words, discontinuation of services ranging from contraception to abortion.

The reduction is already planned

Federal spending cuts have been forecast since November last year, according to Rishi Sunak, president of the UK Treasury. Reduce the foreign aid budget Due to the damage caused by the Govt-19 crisis. Sunak had already said the cuts were temporary.

Association for the Protection of Unborn Children, a British pro-life NGO Celebrated government action Through its communications director Michael Robinson: “Regardless of the government’s motives, companies around the world should pay attention to the fact that companies that pay to kill unborn children receive less of the money we earn. Less money means fewer deaths.”

A. in the UK Study by Savanta Comres 65% of Britons oppose the use of public money to fund abortions abroad.

Nonetheless, the abortion agency says there should be a change to the 2015 International Development Act before the budget cut and has promised to take legal action against the government. The IPPF further clarifies that litigation against the government will be funded independently by taxpayers without money.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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